Who’s Jennifer?


Thanks for visiting my website. Here’s a little about me and what I’m up to.

My mission is to support others who want to live more purposefully, finding true happiness from the inside, instead of fleeting happiness from the outside, but who may not know where to start or what it entails.

How’d I get here? Like most, I’ve been through some tough times in my life, some of my own making and some not. I ended up in a place where I wasn’t happy or fulfilled even though I had so many blessings. I began asking the question, there’s got to be more to life than this, what is it?

That question started an amazing but sometimes hard and messy journey of uncovering, beneath all the layers of old beliefs and patterns, who I am, why I’m here and what my purpose is. It’s what led me to a true relationship with God, when before it had been so much about religion that there was mostly fear instead of love.

The journey has definitely been a rollercoaster of love and I’ve wanted to jump off on several occasions. But, it’s also where I’ve felt the most alive and filled with purpose, so how could I go back to a mediocre life on autopilot?

I know I’m not the only one who feels or has felt this way. I’ve connected with enough people, heard enough stories, been through enough courses and trainings and studied enough to know that there’s a lot of us who feel this way… this sense of craving inside, but are too afraid to go for it, or the feeling inside there’s got to be more to life than this, but are too afraid to go inside to look at what it is.

I’m here to say it’s scary chasing the craving and it’s scary looking inside at the things we’d rather ignore, but that fear is what blocks the breath of life that flows through us and allows us to live a life of deep purpose and meaning.

After making my own comeback twice in my life, I realized there is a process that allows us to step more fully into a purposeful life, to transform what’s been holding us back and to take inspired action every day towards living an authentic life. This process leads to true happiness and deep purpose.

The services I provide, invite and encourage others to join me on the rollercoaster of love chasing the craving within, that up to this point they’ve not allowed themselves to fully experience.

There was something that held me back from fully going for my dream for the last 12 years. ME. And it turns out that for most of us, if we’re not living the life we want, we are most often what’s in the way. I want to support others to get out of their own way so they don’t end up with regrets and “what ifs.”

My services are provided through workshops, retreats, individual and group purposeful living coaching and more.

I invite you to follow my Facebook page, Jennifer L Thomas, if the topics of purposeful living, pain to purpose and growth through God interest you.

Please feel free to share my website and/or Facebook page if you know someone who may be interested in my services or my page.

With Purpose,



As I mentioned, I’ve lived the journey I want to support you on. I’ve created change, comebacks and a deep sense of purpose in my life and continue to do so every day. I believe that education and training are definitely important, but nothing beats real life experience and that I have, in addition to the training!

I pride myself on being non-judgmental, meeting you where you are in life and creating a safe space for you to explore what more you want from life and what changes you want to make, whether in a group setting or on an individual basis. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “I can’t believe I told you all of that.” To me, creating the space where you feel safe to explore things that maybe you haven’t felt safe to do so in the past is vital and unique – it’s not something people get to experience on a regular basis.

As with most professional and personal relationships, compatibility is key. I want to ensure that we are a good fit for each other. I’m committed to serving you in a way that is best for you and what you need, even if that looks like suggesting you work with someone else who I feel can better support you and/or your situation.

I’d like to offer you a complimentary 30-minute coaching call to find out if we are a good fit for each other and to see how I can best serve you. To take advantage of this, please click here.


  • Life Coach Training – Satvatove Institute’s Transformative Coach Training: Principles and Practices of Transformative Coaching. This program is accredited with the International Coach Federation (ICF)

  • ·Quit Tobacco Coach – Past certification by Mayo Clinic as a Tobacco Treatment Specialist. I supported individuals through the process of quitting tobacco, which is one of the most difficult substances to quit. I provided coaching and workshops for individuals through Lake Butler Hospital, as well as worked independently with city governments and businesses to support their employees to quit tobacco. In total I’ve coached and supported over 40 individuals in the quit tobacco process.

  • Served on staff for three of Satvatove Institute’s 3-day transformative communication courses and two of Satvatove Institute’s 7-day intensive self-realization courses. In these combined courses, I had the privilege to support over 160 individuals on their journey to empowered communication and courageous introspection.

  • Completed well over 1000 hours of experiential courses, trainings and programs on transformative communication, self-realization, purposeful living, life coaching and more.

  • Completed two Life Mastery Programs.

  • Served in multiple roles at Lake Butler Hospital over the course of 20 years. The most recent position was as Chief Operating Officer.

  • Provided leadership training and transformative communication workshops for businesses and the Texas Air National Guard.